Booking Info

Have any questions about booking your tickets? We hope the information below will help - if not please don't hesitate to get in touch.

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Online Booking

You can book online 24 hours a day, every day of the year, through this website using your PC or mobile device. Simply select Theatre from the menu, then the show you wish to book, then select Book Online. You'll be able to choose exactly the seats you want and we'll post your tickets to you first class.

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Telephone Booking

You can book by telephone on 01493 842209. Our friendly staff are on hand to answer all your questions, and always make sure you get the best seats available (see our opening times).

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Book In Person

Visit the Booking Office on Britannia Pier to book in person, where you can view the seating plan and get exactly the seat you want. Please note that during the winter the booking office is closed for booking in person (see our opening times).

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Getting Your Tickets

When booked online or by telephone tickets are usually sent out by first class post within one week of booking. If you're booking tickets for a show being performed very soon (within a week or so), tickets will be held at the booking office for you to collect on the show night as they may not reach you in time if posted. When booked in person at the booking office tickets are printed on the spot so you can take them with you straight away.

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Booking Fees

Online and telephone bookings incur a £3.00 booking fee. This fee is charged once for the entire booking, not per ticket, and goes towards printing and postage costs. During our peak season you can visit the booking office in person to avoid any booking fees. We always recommend you book directly through us to get the best price.

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Opening Times

The box office is open 24 hours a day online & by telephone between 11-3 pm (Monday to Friday)

Our Box office is open for enquiries and walk-up bookings during the summer season and on show performance days.

Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed